Letter From KAOS Music Department
Hello and thanks for your interest in submitting music to KAOS 89.3 FM!
We are a free-form, non-commercial radio station, meaning we allow DJ’s to program their shows with music and content they choose, without a rotation. So when KAOS receives music, we process everything to be made available to DJ’s!
That being said, we prefer physical submissions as they receive much more visibility, however, we realize that in this digital world, digital submissions are also on the rise, and we are happy to accept those as well. When sending physical submissions, we recommend that you also send a “one sheet”, which is just a piece of paper that highlights info about the artist/album as well as any FCC violations/other info you would like us to know! They are very helpful and made available to DJ’s as well.
We love receiving music from everyone, especially since KAOS is unique in highlighting independent artists...at least 80% of our programming is independent releases!
If you would like to see how your music is spinning, the best way to find out is by visiting Spinitron.com and searching KAOS, as this is where all of our DJ’s report what they are playing.
No singles please. We would be more than happy to receive an upcoming full release, however!
If something goes wrong, you can email music submissions to kaosmusicdirector@gmail.com